Differential Geometry – Relationship Between Zeros of a Vector Field and Fixed Points of Its Flow


I'm having a little trouble here and would appreciate some hints.

Let $M$ be a compact manifold without boundary and let $X$ be a smooth vector field on $M$ with only isolated zeros. Let $\theta_t$ denote the flow of $X$.

I would like to show that the following is true:

For small enough $t > 0$ the only fixed points of $\theta_t$ are the zeros of $X$.

I need this, since I was trying to write down a proof of Poincaré-Hopf by showing that for the index $\iota(X)$ of $X$ we have $$\iota(X) = L(\theta_t)$$ where $L(\theta_t)$ denotes the Lefschetz fixed point number of $\theta_t$.
From the above equality it would immediately follow that $\iota(X) = L(\theta_t) = L(id) = \chi(M)$.

However I got stuck in proving that we can choose $t$ sufficiently small to ensure that no unwanted fixed points of $\theta_t$ turn up.

I think the statement should be true (I'm guessing compactness will be key). At least, it seems right to me.


Best Answer

I think I have found a more elementary approach to the problem, so I'll post it for anyone who might be interested (and maybe to check whether I haven't made some silly mistake).

The idea is actually quite simple: I approximate the flow to the first order and use this to get a lower bound on the periods of nonfixed points.

Proposition: Let $X$ be a smooth vector field on $\mathbb R^n$ such that $|X|$ and $|dX|$ are bounded. Then there is a $\tau >0$ such that for all $0<t<\tau$: $$\theta(t,p) = p \quad \iff\quad X(p) = 0$$

Proof: By Taylor expansion we have

$$\theta(t,p) = p + tX(p) + \int_0^t (t-\tau) \; dX\left(\theta\left(\tau,p\right)\right) X\left(\theta\left(\tau,p\right)\right) \; d\tau$$

By choosing $t_0$ small enough, we may assume

$$\left|X\left(\theta\left(\tau,p\right)\right)\right| \le 2\left|X(p)\right|$$

for all $p\in \mathbb R^n$ and $0\le \tau \le t < t_0$.

Edit: As has been pointed out by David Speyer in the comments, the existence of such a $t_0$ isn't as clear as I had initially thought. To see that such $t_0$ exists, we assume $|dX|<M$ for some $M>0$ and $|X| < \tilde M$. By Taylorexpansion we have

$$\left|X\left(\theta\left(\tau,p\right)\right)\right| \le |X(p)| + \tau M |X\left(\theta\left(s,p\right)\right)|$$

where $s \in [0,\tau]$ is chosen to maximize $|X\left(\theta\left(s,p\right)\right)|$. Now let $t_0 := 1/(2M)$. By iterating the same argument with $|X\left(\theta\left(s,p\right)\right)|$ we get the estimate

\begin{align*} \left|X\left(\theta\left(\tau,p\right)\right)\right| &\le |X(p)| + \tau M \; \big(\; |X(p)| + \tau M |X\left(\theta\left(s,p\right)\right)|\; \big) \\ &\vdots \\ &\le \sum_{k=0}^\infty \left(\tau M\right)^k |X(p)| + \lim_{k\to \infty} (\tau M)^k\tilde M \\ &\le 2|X(p)| \end{align*}

Now let us define $$\Phi(t,p) = p + t X(p)$$ From the above and the properties of $X$, there is some $C>0$ and $t_0>0$ such that for $0<t<t_0$

$$|\theta(t,p) - \Phi(t,p) | = \left|\int_0^t (t-\tau) \; dX\left(\theta\left(\tau,p\right)\right) X\left(\theta\left(\tau,p\right)\right) \; d\tau\right| \le C|X(p)|t^2$$

for all $p$. But then

\begin{align*} |\theta(t,p) - \theta(0,p)| &\ge |\Phi(t,p) - \theta(0,p)| - |\theta(t,p) - \Phi(t,p)| \\ &\ge t|X(p)| - t^2C|X(p)| \\ &= t|X(p)| (1 - Ct) \end{align*}

So if $p$ is a point such that $\theta(T,p) = \theta(0,p)=p$ it follows that either $X(p)=0$ or $T \ge C^{-1}$. Proving the proposition.

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