[Math] Relationship between prime factorizations of $n$ and $n+1$

number theoryprime numbers

Are there any theorems that give us any information about the prime factorization of some integer $n+1$, if we already know the factorization of $n$?

Recalling Euclid's famous proof for the infinity of the set of prime numbers, I guess we know that if $n = p_1 p_2 p_3$, then $n+1$ cannot have $p_1$, $p_2$, or $p_3$ as factors. But is there any way we could use the information about $n$'s factorization to determine something more precise about the factorization of $n+1$?

Best Answer

Currently very little is known about this problem and it appears intractable by known methods, though it is of great interest. More generally, additive number theory takes upon the challenge of studying the additive structure of prime numbers, which is bound to be difficult due to their inherent multiplicative nature.

Some problems that would greatly benefit from knowing how addition effects prime factorizations include: The Twin Prime Conjecture and The Collatz Conjecture.

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