[Math] Relationship between entropy and ergodicity


Are there any direct connections between entropy and ergodicity? For example, does knowing that $(X,\mathcal{S},\mu,T)$ is ergodic help in computing the entropy?

I know that there are some indirect connections. For example, measure-theoretic entropy was developed as an isomorphism invariant to show that the $(p,1-p)$- and $(q,1-q)$-Bernoulli shifts are non-isomorphic when $p\neq q \neq 1-p$. But it seems merely coincidental that these shifts happen to be ergodic.

What I'm looking for is something like "If $(X,\mathcal{S},\mu,T)$ is ergodic then [something about entropy]." OR "If [something about entropy] then $(X,\mathcal{S},\mu,T)$ is ergodic."

EDIT Per the request in the comments, I'm interested in the measure-theoretic entropy of a measure-preserving dynamical system.

Best Answer

I'm not sure it is along the lines you wished for but I'll comment anyhow:

The fact that the "entropy respect the ergodic decomposition" i.e. if $$ \mu =\int \mu_xd\nu(x)$$ implies $$ h_\mu (T)=\int h_{\mu_x} (T) d\nu(x)$$

(for a reference see


section 3.5)

have consequences more or less in the form that you want. For example that if there is a unique measure of maximal entropy then it is ergodic. This quite trivial fact if used a lot.

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