[Math] relationship between $\arctan(x/y)$ and $-\arctan(y/x)$


Is there a relationship between $\arctan(x/y)$ and $\arctan(y/x)$?

In my calculations my final result is $\arctan(H/L)-\arctan(L/H)$ where $H$ and $L$ are just numbers. I'm wondering if there is any way I can combine them or if I'm just stuck with what I have.

Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

The relation is $\arctan(t) = \pi/2 - \arctan(1/t) $ if $t > 0$, so (assuming $H,L>0$) $\arctan(H/L) - \arctan(L/H) = 2 \arctan(H/L) - \pi/2$.