[Math] relation which is neither symmetric nor antisymmetric


I've proved that there are relations which are both symmetric and antisymmetric ($\forall a \forall b (aRb \rightarrow (a=b))$) and now I'm trying to prove that there are relations which are neither symmetric nor antisymmetric. I got stuck! Any ideas?

Best Answer

If every pair satisfies $aRb\rightarrow bRa$ then the relation is symmetric. If there is at least one pair which fails to satisfy that then it is not symmetric.

Similarly if there is at least one pair which has $(aRb\rightarrow bRa)\land a\neq b$ then antisymmetry is also not satisfied.

We can therefore take the following relation: $\{a,b,c\}$ would be our universe and $R=\{\langle a,b\rangle,\langle b,a\rangle,\langle a,c\rangle\}$.

The fact that $aRc\land\lnot cRa$ shows that the relation is not symmetric, but $a\neq b$ and both $aRb$ and $bRa$ hold.