Calculus – Relation Between Simpson’s Rule, Trapezoid Rule, and Midpoint Rule


I am studying numerical approximation and verifying $S_{2n} = \frac{1}{3}\left(T_n +2 M_n\right)$. ($S_n$ refers to Simpson's Rule approximation, $T_n$ refers to Trapezoid Rule approximation and $M_n$ refers to Midpoint Rule approximation) I listed all the formulas and manipulated the equations, but I have no idea how $2n$ numbers come out at the left side while only $n$ numbers at the right side.

Best Answer

For the Trapezoidal Rule, you actually use $n+1$ points. For example, in the simple case where you are integrating $f(x)$ from $0$ to $1$, and you want $T_4$, you evaluate $f$ at the points $0/4$, $1/4$, $2/4$, $3/4$, and $4/4$. It is $n+1$ points because we use the endpoints.

For the Midpoint Rule, you use $n$ points, but these are not the same points as for the Trapezoidal Rule. They are the midpoints of our intervals. So in the example discussed above, for $M_4$ you would be evaluating $f$ at $1/8$, $3/8$, $5/8$, and $7/8$.

The Simpson Rule $S_{2n}$ uses evaluation of $f$ at $2n+1$ points. If for example $n=4$, then you are dividing the interval into $8$ subintervals. With $n=4$ and the interval $[0,1]$, you would be using the points $0/8$, $1/8$, $2/8$, $3/8$, $4/8$, $5/8$, $6/8$, $7/8$, and $8/8$.

Note that $1/8$, $3/8$, $5/8$ and $7/8$ are the points that were used for $M_4$. The points $0/8$, $2/8$, $4/8$, $6/8$, and $8/8$ are just $0/4$, $1/4$, $2/4$, $3/4$, and $4/4$, exactly the points that were used for $T_4$.

A more abstract summary: $T_n$ uses $n+1$ points, and $M_n$ uses $n$ points. But the $n$ points used by $M_n$ are completely different from the points used for $T_n$. So altogether, $T_n$ and $M_n$ carry information about function evaluation at $2n+1$ points, which is exactly what $S_{2n}$ does.

I have not written out a proof of the formula, only tried to deal with your discomfort with the $2n$ on one side and $n$'s on the other. The formula is not hard to verify. Let's do it explicitly for $n=4$. Write down, say for the interval $[0,1]$, what $T_4$ is. We have $$T_4=\frac{1}{8}(f(0)+2f(1/4)+2f(1/2)+2f(3/4)+f(1)).$$ Now write down $M_4$: $$M_4=\frac{1}{4}(f(1/8)+f(3/8)+f(5/8)+f(7/8)).$$ Now calculate $T_4+2M_4$. It is convenient for the addition to make sure that $M_4$ has denominator $8$, so write $2M_4$ as $\frac{1}{8}(4f(1/8)+4f(3/8)+4f(5/8)+4f(7/8))$, and add. Divide by $3$ and you will get the expression you would get in $S_{8}$. The same method works in general.