[Math] Relation between inverse tangent and inverse secant


I've been working on the following integral
where the assumption is that $x\ge3$. I used the trigonometric substitution $x=3\sec\theta$,which means that $0\le\theta<\pi/2$. Then, $dx=3\sec\theta\tan\theta\,dx$, and after a large number of steps I achieved the correct answer:

I was able to check my answer using Mathematica.

expr = D[1/6 ArcSec[x/3] - Sqrt[x^2 - 9]/(2 x^2), x];
Assuming[x >= 3, FullSimplify[expr]]

Which returned the correct response:

Sqrt[-9 + x^2]/x^3

Mathematica returns the following answer:

Integrate[Sqrt[x^2 - 9]/x^3, x, Assumptions -> x >= 3]

-(Sqrt[-9 + x^2]/(2 x^2)) – 1/6 ArcTan[3/Sqrt[-9 + x^2]]

Which I can write to make more clear.


Now, you can see that part of my answer is there, but here is my question. How can I show that
$$\frac16\sec^{-1}\frac{x}{3}\qquad\text{is equal to}\qquad -\frac16\tan^{-1}\frac{3}{\sqrt{x^2-9}}$$
plus some arbitrary constant? What identities can I use? Also, can anyone share the best web page for inverse trig identities?

Update: I'd like to thank everyone for their help. The Trivial Solution's suggestion gave me:
Then the following identity came to mind:
So I could write:
Using Olivier's and Miko's thoughts, I produced this plot in Mathematica.

Plot[{1/6 ArcSec[x/3] - Sqrt[x^2 - 9]/(
   2 x^2), -(1/6) ArcTan[3/Sqrt[x^2 - 9]] - Sqrt[x^2 - 9]/(
   2 x^2)}, {x, -6, 6},
 Ticks -> {Automatic, {-\[Pi]/12, \[Pi]/12}}]

enter image description here

Which shows that the two answers differ by $\pi/12$, but only for $x>3$.

Best Answer

What you are asking to prove is incorrect, I believe.

By the substitution, we have that $$\frac{x}{3}=\sec(\theta)\Leftrightarrow\frac{3}{x}=\cos(\theta).$$

By the Pythagorean identity,



$$ \tan(\theta)=\sqrt{\frac{x^2-9}{x^2}}\frac{x}{3}=\frac{1}{3}\sqrt{x^2-9}$$

Hence, $$\theta=\sec^{-1}\frac{x}{3}=\tan^{-1}\frac{1}{3}\sqrt{x^2-9}.$$