[Math] Relating the characteristic of the ring R to the characteristic of R[x]


Suppose $R$ is a ring and $R[x]$ is the ring of polynomials in the indeterminate $x$ with coefficients from $R$. The characteristic of a ring is the smallest positive integer $n$ such that $n \cdot r =0$ for all $r$ in $R$, or $0$ if no such $n$ exists.

I'm interested in the truth of statement "the characteristic of $R$ is equal to the characteristic of $R[x]$."

If $R$ has unity then I believe the statement is true. Likewise, if $R$ has characteristic $0$ I believe the statement is true. The last case is then rings with no unity and characteristic $n>0$. However, no examples of this kind come to mind.

My questions are then:

  1. Is the statement true?

  2. If so, is there an easier way to show it besides a case breakdown?

  3. Are there rings with no unity and positive characteristic?

Thank you.

Best Answer

1) If you're defining $R[x]$ as the set of finite sums $\{\sum r_ix^i\mid r_i\in R, i\in \Bbb Z^+\}$ (as we imagine you are) then it is very obvious that if $nR=0$, then $np(x)=\sum nr_ix^i=\sum 0x^i=0$. Conversely if $nR[x]=0$, it holds for the subset $R$. So taking $n$ to be minimal, 1) is true.

2) What cases?!

3) $2\Bbb Z/4\Bbb Z$ is such a rng.