[Math] Related Rates Problem about moving shadow


I have another question about related rates. I have been asked the following question about related rates. It's been a while since I looked at related rates. I appreciate if anyone can help me with this one:

A street light is mounted at the top of a pole that is $6m$ tall. A man $2m$ tall walks away from the pole with a speed of $2\ m/s$ along a straight path. How fast is the tip of the shadow moving?

Best Answer

Hint: Draw a picture. Let the lamp post be along the $y$ axis, so the lamp is at $(0,6)$ If the man's feet are at $(x,0)=(2t,0)$, his head is at ???? and the shadow tip is at ???? Now take the derivative of the shadow tip position with respect to $t$. Depending on how you expressed it, you may need the chain rule.