[Math] Regularization of integral

definite integralsdivergence-operatorintegrationregularization

How does one regularize a divergent integral of the form,
I = \int_0^\infty dx \, \cosh^4 x \hspace{0.5 in} ?
Regularizing via simple subtraction of divergences (as we commonly do in physics) is not a viable option, since expanding $\cosh^4x$ in a power series reveals an infinite number of divergent contributions, with no finite piece to remain. However, I do know that there must be some regularization technique out there enabling us to evaluate this, since we have a similar result
\int_0^\infty dx \, \cosh^4 x \sinh x = -{8 \pi \over 15}
in common use. Any tips on how to obtain this sort of thing (or even reference to a source where this is calculated) would be very helpful!

Best Answer

One may note that:

$$I=\int_0^\infty\cosh^4(x)~\mathrm dx=\frac1{16}\int_0^\infty e^{4x}+4e^{2x}+6+4e^{-2x}+e^{-4x}~\mathrm dx$$

Using $\displaystyle\int_0^\infty e^{-ax}~\mathrm dx=\frac1a$, we may regularize our integral to

$$I=\int_0^\infty\frac38~\mathrm dx$$

Which may be regularized to $\frac38\zeta(0)=-\frac3{16}$.

Same method for the second integral.

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