[Math] Regular but not normal space


This was an exam question of ours:

Let $\chi$ be the set, $\chi = \left \{ a, b, c, d \right \}$. Create a topology $\tau$ on $\chi$ so that $\left ( \chi ,\tau \right )$ is regular but not normal.

I couldn't solve the question but I'm wondering what the answer is. Is it possible at all? Can anyone help me with this?

Best Answer

Suppose $\chi$ is a regular space. Suppose $A,B$ are closed disjoint sets. If one of them is a singleton, then the regularity implies that they can be separated by open sets. Otherwise, since the sets are disjoint, then each of them is of size 2.

If this is the case then $A= \chi - B$ is open as a complement of a close set so $A,B$ are open and you can separate A from B, therefore $\chi$ is normal.

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