[Math] Regex for strings with no three identical consecutive characters

regular expressionsregular-language

I wanna ask what the regular expression for the strings having the property in the title should be. For binary string with no three consecutive 0, it's quite a simple regex (1|01|001)*|(0|00|$\epsilon$) but I found its very difficult for a normal alphabet string. Do you have any suggestion/solution for that?

Note: Those strings don't contain any three identical consecutive characters. For example, they do not have $aaa$, $bbb$, $ccc$, etc. in their content.


Best Answer

It isn't easy to product a complement of regular expression. Very long and exhausting calculations :(

For alphabet $\{a,b\}$ (and if I didn't miscalculate) it is something like


which is ... bulky.

You need to convert your regex to DFA, then turn all non-terminal state into terminal states and vice versa, then convert the resulting DFA to regex back.

And here there is a well-done example of it.