[Math] Reflexivity: How to something be related to itself


Background: I'm a philosophy student. I'm comfortable with math, but don't have much of a background in it. One of the topics I'm writing about (I-relation in theories of identity) closely mirrors concepts in math. One of those is reflexivity.

My attempt to answer the question:
I read the Reflexivity article on Wikipedia, but I'm still foggy on the idea. I get that 1=1 is reflexive, and 1<2 is not. I understand that 1=1 is relating one to one, but it seems so redundant that I can't imagine it being often used in math – but I believe that it is – so I must be missing something. Also, I read that the 'divides' relationship (2 divides 4) is reflexive. I don't see how that is reflexive.


  • How can something be related to itself?
  • Why is reflexivity a useful concept?
  • How is the divides relationship reflexive?

An abstract explanation and concrete example would be helpful.

Thank you.


Best Answer

In mathematics the term “relation” is defined for mathematical purposes. One could have named it differently. You must never compare a mathematical notion a word can have to the non-mathematical notions it may also have. You mustn't see any relationship between what's mathematically is called “relation” with other notions related to “relation.” (Pun intended.)

To give an example: for Nietzsche there is no longer any “absolute value,” whereas mathematicians hardly can live without one.

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