[Math] Reflexive normed spaces are Banach


I want to prove that a reflexive normed space $X$ is a Banach space. By the definition of the reflexive space, the evaluation map $J:X\to X''$ is a bijection. All I need is to prove that the evaluation map is bicontinous (isomorphism) to transfer the Cauchy sequence properties from the Banach space $X''$ to $X$. But I don't know how to prove that $J$ is an isomorphism. To apply the "Banach isomorphism theorem", $X$ has to be already a Banach Space.

Best Answer

As pointed out in comments, the main step is to prove $\|Jx\|_{X^{**}}=\|x\|_X$ for all $x\in X$. This, together with surjectivity of $J$, imply that $X$ is isometric to $X^{**}$ and therefore inherits completeness from the latter.

For every unit norm functional $\phi$ we have $|\phi(x)|\le \|x\|$. By taking supremum over such $\phi$, we get $\|Jx\| \le \|x\|$. On the other hand, by the Hahn-Banach theorem (which does not require completeness) there is a unit norm functional $\phi\in X^*$ such that $\phi(x)=\|x\|$. Therefore, $\|Jx\|\ge |\phi(x)| = \|x\|$.

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