[Math] “Reflection of a line on complex plane”; why is $b-ai$ that which rotates the line


I'm sorry to make a new question about this, but I don't have enough reputation to comment.

I'm trying to do the exact same problem as has already been answered; "Reflection of a line on complex plane". This is exercise 1.2.19 (page 13) from the third edition of "Fundamentals of Complex Analysis", E.B. Saff, A.D. Snider.

What I don't understand is rotation using $z\mapsto \frac{z}{b-ai} $. We have $a$ and $b$ which is in $ax+by=c$ and $b-ai$. I understand that dividing by a complex number rotates $z$, but I don't understand why $b-ai$ is the correct vector to do this.

Should not this vector also be normalized?


Best Answer

Why that rotation does what it does

It's really probably better to think of multiplication as making rotations, although of course division and multiplication are really the same. In that spirit, look at this:

$$ \frac{z}{b-ai}=z(\frac{b+ai}{a^2+b^2}) $$

Here we can see that $z$ is being multiplied by a complex number of unit length (here you can see it's already normalized) on the right hand side, which we know effects a rotation on the complex plane. It isn't normalized , so it will contribute dilation, but that's OK: two steps later the inverse transformation contributes a dilation factor that cancels this one's dilation out. All that matters is that this transformation carries our line onto the $x$-axis.

So on the step you're at, the line has been translated so that it goes through the origin, so its points all fall on $ax+by=0$.

Let $(x',y')$ be on $ax+by=0$. After rotation by the above mapping, $(x',y')\mapsto (bx'-ay',ax'+by')/(a^2+b^2)$. But since $ax'+by'=0$, this is just $((bx'-ay')/(a^2+b^2),0)$, so the line has been laid on the $x$-axis, as advertised.

From the last paragraph you can see how this can be reverse engineered. If one had applied an arbitrary rotation $(x,y)\mapsto((cx-dy)/(c^2+d^2),cx+dy)$, and they were armed with the equation $ax+by=0$, and you asked them "What choice of $c$ and $d$ makes this rotation put $x,y$ on the $x$ axis? They might say "how about $c=a$ and $d=b$?"

Moved this here since it turned out to be a digression.

Looking at the map as an $\Bbb R$ linear transformation on $\Bbb C$, and viewing the inputs as column vectors $[x,y]^\top$ that correspond to $x+yi$, you can confirm that this matrix accomplishes the transformation by multiplication on the left of the column vectors:

$$ \frac{1}{a^2+b^2}\begin{bmatrix}b&-a\\a&b\end{bmatrix} $$

It's a matrix with determinant $1$ (of course it should be, since it represents a complex number of unit modulus) and so it's a rotation of $\Bbb R^2$ (which is being identified with $\Bbb C$.)