[Math] reducing a pde to a canonical form

calculuspartial differential equations

I'm really struggling with this one and I can't seem to find what's wrong with my approach. I am given a PDE in the form
$$U_{xx} + x y U_{yy} = 0,$$
and I am supposed to bring it to its canonical form. I've set
$$ξ = y^{1/2} + (-x)^{1/2}$$ and $$η = y^{1/2} – (-x)^{1/2}.$$

I'm solving it for the domain where it's hyperbolic. But some terms don't cancel out. What am I doing wrong?

Can anyone tell me how $U_{xx}$ and $U_{yy}$ would look after we perform the change of variables?

Edit: There may be also the possibility that I've chosen the wrong change of variables. If someone could point out my mistake, I think I can continue from there.

Best Answer

The characteristic curves satisfy:


where $a,b,c$ are coefficients of $U_{xx}, U_{xy}, U_{yy}$, respectively.

With your example, you should get


Solving these two ODE's you should see the following change of variables:

$$\xi=y^{1/2}+\frac{1}{3}(-x)^{3/2}\\ \eta=y^{1/2}-\frac{1}{3}(-x)^{3/2}$$

In the integration, the right hand side with respect to $x$ is not in the denominator. It is $\sqrt{-x}$ instead.

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