[Math] Reduced scheme associated to a scheme – HAG II 2.2.3b


I found some difficulties proving this exercise from hartshorne's book.

Let us first reduce to the affine case. Let $X = \mbox{Spec } A$ and define $X_{\mbox{red}}$ as in the exercise. For people who do not have the book nearby, it is defined as the quotient by the sheaf of nilradicals. I would like to prove that $X_{\mbox{red}} = \mbox{Spec } (A_{\mbox{red}}).$ Let $Y=X_{\mbox{red}}$ and $Z = \mbox{Spec } (A_{\mbox{red}})$.

The underlying topological spaces are homeomorphic, since the map $A \rightarrow A_{\mbox{red}}$ induces an isomorphism of posets on the prime posets of the two rings.

Let $f \in A$. On the corresponding distinguised open we have $$\mathcal{O}_{Z}(D(f)) = (A_{\mbox{red}})_{f}.$$

On the pre-sheaf $\mathcal{P}$ of $Y$, so $\mathcal{P}^+=O_Y$,

$$\mathcal{P}(D(f)) = (A_f)/\mbox{Nil}(A_f).$$

Which is isomorphic to $\mathcal{O}_{Z}(D(f))$ as localization commutes with ring quotients. Now I have to push in the sheafification and making sure I keep this isomorphism, which gives me troubles. Any hints?

A comment of Georges Elencwajg on his own answer suggest that sheafification is not needed. Can someone elaborate on this? Why not?

Best Answer

Careful. You have shown that a the sections of a presheaf $\mathscr G$ over a base for the topology on some space $X$ are isomorphic to those of a sheaf $\mathscr F$ ($\mathscr G$, $\mathscr F$ are assumed to be presheaves on $X$). This is not enough to conclude abstractly that $\mathscr G$ is a sheaf isomorphic to $\mathscr F$; such a thing is clearly not true in general. But it is true that the sheaf associated to $\mathscr G$ is isomorphic to $\mathscr F$. This is exactly the definition of the structure sheaf of the reduced scheme associated to $X$ that Hartshorne uses.

Lemma Let $\mathscr G$ be a presheaf on a topological space $X$ and $\mathscr F$ be a sheaf on $X$. Suppose that for every open set $U$ in a base for the topology on $X$, $\mathscr G(U)$ is naturally isomorphic to $\mathscr F(U)$ (by this I mean, the isomorphisms commute with restriction). Then the sheaf associated to $\mathscr G$ is canonically isomorphic to $\mathscr F$.

I think the proof is clear.

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