[Math] Reduced Homology on unreduced suspension


I want to establish the result for any homology theory, there is a natural isomorphism which gets us $\tilde{H}_{p+1}(\Sigma X) \cong \tilde{H}_p(X)$. Most places use the Mayer-Vietoris sequence to get this, but since I haven't covered that yet, I would like to do it using the Eilenberg-Steenrod axioms for homology.

Edit: Note that I'm defining $\Sigma X$ as the space where I shrink $X \times \{0\}$ and $X \times\{1\}$ to points. Wikipedia calls this $SX$.

Best Answer

Is there any difference between the reduced and unreduced suspension? This is related with this arguing here: https://mathoverflow.net/questions/107430/does-the-reduced-mapping-cylinder-have-the-same-homotopy-type-of-unreduced-mappin

The reduced cone has the same homotopy type of the unreduced one, when we are talking about well based spaces. The problem is if the inclusion $X\to CX $, in which $CX$ is the reduced cone, is a unbased cofibration. (I don't think it is in general: only if it is a well pointed space). Assuming it is well based space, you don't have to worry if it is the reduced suspension or the unreduced one.

Back to the problem: We are only considering unreduced constructions, as I guess you want. This is consequence of the excision and the exact sequence. I guess you are talking about Eilenberg-Steenrod axioms for unreduced homology, since the Eilenberg-Steenrod axioms for the reduced homology assumes the suspension isomorphism as an axiom.

$(\sum X , CX , CX) $ is a excisive triad. By the axiom, you get that $(CX,X)\to (\sum X, CX)$ induces isomorphisms between the homology groups. Well, now, using the exact sequence of the pair $(CX, X) $, we can prove that $ H_q(X, \ast )$ is isomorphic to $H_{q+1}(CX,X) $.

TO prove this last statement, first of all, you have to notice that $ H_q(X)\cong H_q(X, \ast)\oplus H_q(\ast ) $. And, then, notice that that we get a new exact sequence from this congruence. This new exact sequence is

$\cdots \rightarrow H_q(A, \ast )\to H_ q(X, \ast )\to H_q(X,A)\to H_{q-1}(X, \ast)\rightarrow \cdots $.

In our case, $\cdots \rightarrow H_q(X, \ast )\to H_ q(CX, \ast )\to H_q(CX,X)\to H_{q-1}(X, \ast)\rightarrow \cdots $.

Since $H_ q(CX, \ast )$ is clearly trivial, we conclude that

$H_q(CX,X)\to H_{q-1}(X, \ast) $

is an isomorphism.

So we can conclude that there is an isomorphism $H_q(X, \ast)\to H_ {q+1}(\sum X, CX) $. Since $ (\sum X, CX)\equiv (\sum X, \ast) $, the required statement was proven.

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