[Math] Recursive matrix multiplication strassen algorithm


I am having a hard time doing 4×4 matrix multiplication using strassen's algorithm. First I computed the product of two 4×4 matrices using default matrix multiplication (https://matrixcalc.org)

enter image description here

I now want to use strassen's method which I learned as follows:

enter image description here

I split the 4×4 matrix in 4 2×2 matrices first and calculate the products like in the image above:

enter image description here

When I put the parts back together I get a different result compared to the default multiplication. Can anyone point out what I am doing wrong?

Corrected computation:

enter image description here

Best Answer

Check your computation of $P_2$.

When computing $P_2$, instead of adding $A$ to $B$ to get $A+B$, you multiple $A$ and $B$ and get $A*B$ which is incorrect.

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