[Math] Recurrence relation for a mortgage


Find a recurrence relation for the amount of money outstanding on a \$40,000 mortgage after n years. The interest rate on the mortgage is 10% and the yearly payment is \$2,000( the yearly payment is paid at the end of each year after the interest has been computed).

I need someone help with this question? I think the answer is:
$a_n = a_{n-1}-(.1)a_{n-1}-2000$.

Best Answer

Assume WLOG that monetary values are $'000.

$r=$ interest rate $=0.1$,
$R=$annual repayment $=2$,
$a_n=$ outstanding mortgage balance at year $n$ after repayment at year $n$,
$P=a_0=$ opening mortgage balance $=40$.

The recurrence relation is $$a_n=a_{n-1}(1+r)-R$$ Rearranging gives $$\begin{align} a_n-\frac Rr&=(1+r)\left(a_{n-1}-\frac Rr\right)\\ &=(1+r)^2\left(a_{n-2}-\frac Rr\right)\\ &\qquad\vdots\\ &=(1+r)^n\left(a_{0}-\frac Rr\right)\\ a_n&=(1+r)^na_0-\frac Rr[(1+r)^n-1]\\ &=\left(P-\frac Rr\right)(1+r)^n+\frac Rr\\ &=20(1.1^n+1)\qquad\blacksquare \end{align}$$ which is the closed form solution for $a_n$.

Note that $a_n$ increases as $n$ increases, hence the outstanding mortgage balance will balloon over time and the mortgage will never be fully repaid.

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