[Math] Rectangular form of a complex number

complex numberscomplex-analysis

Why does rectangular form serve as an accurate description of a complex number? Why not $a * bi$(multiplication) or another operation? Why does addition describe the relationship between the real part and complex part? For example, polar form describes the relation on a imaginary and real plane. What concept is rectangular form based on?

Best Answer

You have $\mathbb{R}$ which is a field, i.e. you can add and multiply, and every nonzero elements has a multiplicative inverse.

Now you want to somehow have square roots for all real numbers. So you include (this can be done properly, but it's not the point here) another "number", that we call $i$ and has the property that $i^2=-1$.

Now you still want to have a field; in particular you want to add and multiply, and so you need to make sense of expressions of the form $a+bi$. But it turns out that $$ \mathbb{C}=\{a+bi:\ a,b\in\mathbb{R}\} $$ is already a field, i.e. the smallest field that contains both $\mathbb{R}$ and $i$.

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