[Math] Rectangle Rotation and Scale


I'm working on a hobby video project, and I'm dealing with video clips being rotated inside the frame.

I'd like to fill the entire frame with the rotated video clip, while cropping as little as possible.

If I rotate the video without any other adjustments, the result looks like this:
Rotated video clip

In this image, the rotated video clip is the black rectangle, while the canvas/frame is the blue rectangle.
These rectangles are guaranteed to have the exact same dimensions – width, height, area, etc.
The angle of rotation may vary, and it may rotate in either direction (positive or negative), so I need to be able to account for it in my calculations.

The corners of the rotated video clip will have to be cropped – I wish to minimize this.
Additionally, as you can see in the image, the video clip doesn't fill the entire frame anymore – the corners of the canvas are empty – so I need to zoom the video clip to make it larger and fill the entire frame.

So I need to calculate the minimum ratio/percentage I need to scale the video clip up, in order to fill the entire frame. In other words, the smallest value by which to multiply the dimensions of the black rectangle, so that the blue rectangle will fit inside of it exactly.

And I also need to calculate the resulting $(x,y)$ coordinate of the top-left corner of the rotated video clip, in relation to the top-left corner of the frame. (In other words, the position offset.)

Best Answer

Introduce two notations: vector coordinates with respect to the center of the rectangles, $C$, will look like this: $$\left[\begin{matrix}x\\y\end{matrix}\right]_C,$$ and if we let $O$ be the upper-left corner of the un-rotated frame, we will denote coordinates with respect to that reference as $$\left[\begin{matrix}x\\y\end{matrix}\right]_O.$$ Now, to rotate something clockwise through an angle $\alpha$, we multiply coordinate vectors by the rotation matrix $$R_{\alpha}=\left[\begin{matrix}\cos(\alpha) &\sin(\alpha)\\-\sin(\alpha)&\cos(\alpha)\end{matrix}\right].$$ This only applies in the $C$ reference frame, since, as per your comment, you're only rotating about $C.$

Now, you have posed two problems: one is to find the magnification such that the rotated frame fills the unrotated frame. The other is to find the coordinates of the upper-left coordinate of the rotated frame with respect to $O$. The second problem is easier, I will tackle that first.

Let $w$ be the width of the frame, and $\ell$ the height. Let $O_C=\left[\begin{matrix}-w/2 \\ \ell/2\end{matrix}\right]$ be the coordinates of $O$ in $C$, $P_C$ the coordinates of the upper-left corner of the rotated frame in $C$, and $P_O$ the coordinates of the upper-left corner of the rotated frame in $O$. By the properties of vector addition, we have that $O_C+P_O=P_C$. The target variable is $P_O$, so we have that \begin{align*}P_O&=P_C-O_C\\&=R_{\alpha}O_C -O_C\\&=R_{\alpha}O_C-IO_C\\&=(R_{\alpha}-I)\,O_C\\ &=\left[\begin{matrix}\cos(\alpha)-1 &\sin(\alpha)\\-\sin(\alpha) &\cos(\alpha)-1\end{matrix}\right]\left[\begin{matrix}-w/2\\\ell/2\end{matrix}\right]\\ &=\frac12\left[\begin{matrix}w(1-\cos(\alpha))+\ell\sin(\alpha)\\ -w\sin(\alpha)-\ell(1-\cos(\alpha))\end{matrix}\right]\end{align*}

As for the magnification, this is a tricky problem to solve. Let $\theta=\arctan(\ell/w)$, and let $\varphi=\arctan(w/\ell)$. I am going to make the assumption that $w>\ell$, so that $\varphi>\theta$. For rotation angles from $0$ to $\pi/2$, there are three entirely different regimes, and we have to compare the long and short sides of the rotated frame to different sides of the fixed frame depending on which regime we're in. Here's a table of comparisons: $$ \begin{array}{|c|c|c|} \hline &\textbf{Rotated Long} &\textbf{Rotated Short} \\ \hline 0\le\alpha\le\theta &\text{Fixed Long} &\text{Fixed Short}\\ \hline \theta\le\alpha\le\varphi &\text{Fixed Long} &\text{Fixed Long} \\ \hline \varphi\le\alpha\le\pi/2 &\text{Fixed Short} &\text{Fixed Long} \\ \hline \hline \end{array} $$ Let $s=\sqrt{w^2+\ell^2}$ be the diagonal length.

Case 1: $0\le\alpha\le\theta$. Let $\beta=\varphi-\alpha$. This will be the angle a diagonal of the fixed frame makes with a rotated "vertical" line. The perpendicular distance $\ell'/2$ from the rectangle center to a line going through the corner of the rectangle, along the "vertical" of the rotated frame, would then be given by $$\frac{\ell'}{2}=\frac{s}{2}\,\cos(\beta),$$ or $\ell'=s\cos(\beta)$, and hence the magnification required in the "vertical" direction would be given by $$\frac{\ell'}{\ell}=\frac{s\cos(\beta)}{\ell}.$$ The magnification required in the "horizontal" direction we analyze as follows. Let $\gamma=\theta-\alpha$ be the angle a diagonal in the fixed rectangle makes with the "horizontal" of the rotated frame. The perpendicular distance $w'/2$ from the center to the corner, along the "horizontal" of the rotated frame, would be given by $$\frac{w'}{2}=\frac{s}{2}\,\cos(\gamma),$$ or $w'=s\cos(\gamma)$, and hence the magnification required by the "horizontal" direction would be given by $$\frac{w'}{w}=\frac{s\cos(\gamma)}{w}.$$ The magnification $m$ you should take would simply be \begin{align*}m&=\max\left(\frac{s\cos(\beta)}{\ell},\frac{s\cos(\gamma)}{w}\right)\\ &=s\max\left(\frac{\cos(\beta)}{\ell},\frac{\cos(\gamma)}{w}\right)\\ &=\sqrt{w^2+\ell^2}\max\left(\frac{\cos[\arctan(w/\ell)-\alpha]}{\ell},\frac{\cos[\arctan(\ell/w)-\alpha]}{w}\right). \end{align*}

For Cases 2 and 3, although your $\gamma$ and $\beta$ angles will go negative, the formula is still valid, with the additional constraint of magnitudes. That is, your final answer is $$m=\sqrt{w^2+\ell^2}\max\left(\frac{|\cos[\arctan(w/\ell)-\alpha]|}{\ell},\frac{|\cos[\arctan(\ell/w)-\alpha]|}{w}\right).$$