[Math] Rectangle inscribed in a circular sector of angle 60


My apologies if this has been asked before.

Given a circular sector, say of radius $r$, with internal angle $60^{\circ}$, construct a rectangle inscribed in that sector so that the length of the rectangle is twice the width.

I am looking for a simple construction. This is from a chapter that talks about isometries and similarity transformations (primarily dilations). I have a method using trigonometry, but given this is not covered in the text (Libeskind) there must be a solution that is simpler and more elegant.

The ugly trigonometric method:

Let $O$ be the centre of the circle of which the sector is a portion.
Let the desired rectangle be $ABCD$ with $A$ and $B$ on the straight segments of the sector, $C$ and $D$ on the arc.

We require $\angle DAB = 90$, $\angle ABD=30$.

Let $OA=d$. Then by symmetry $OB=d$ and $AB=d$ (as $\triangle OAB$ must be equilateral). Then $AD=2d$ and also $\angle OAD = 60 + 90 = 150$.

Then by the cosine rule in $\triangle OAD$ we get $r^2 = \sqrt{3} (\sqrt{3}+6)d^2 $.

So I could construct $d$ this way, but it would be very tedious.

Any help with an easier solution that does not use trigonometry would be great.

Best Answer


We want to construct the rectangle ABCD inscribed in the $60^0$ - sector OPQ such that $AD = 2AB$.

Our 1st target is find $\theta (= \angle AOD)$.

enter image description here

Applying sine law to $\triangle OAD$, we have

$\dfrac {1}{\sin (30 - \theta)} = \dfrac {2}{\sin \theta}$

… Using compound angle formula, and special angle values and rationalization, we have …

$\tan \theta = \dfrac {\sqrt 3 - 1}{2}$ ($= 20.xxx$ degrees approx.)

Our next target is to construct such $\theta$.

enter image description here

  1. Drop $PR \bot OQ$ cutting $OQ$ at $R$. (Note that $OR = 1, OP = 2, PR = \sqrt 3$.)

  2. Draw circle $OSQ$ (centered at $R$, radius $= RO$) cutting $PR$ at $S$. Then $PS = \sqrt 3 – 1$.

  3. Draw the blue circle using PS as radius.

  4. Through P, draw the perpendicular to OP, cutting the blue circle at T (a point nearer to Q). Then, $\triangle POT$ meets our requirement with $\angle POT = \theta$.

  5. The point where OT intersects the red arc is our point D.

  6. Reflect D about the angle bisector of $\angle POQ$ to get C. It is not difficult to get B and A.

NB Construction of D is simple but the analysis is a bit involved.

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