[Math] reconstructing space curves from curvature and torsion


Given $\kappa (s)$ and $\tau (s)$ and a frenet apparatus $\lbrace T_0,N_0,B_0 \rbrace$, how can you reconstruct a space curve?

I know I need to use the frenet-serret equations, but I can't put a finger on it. Thanks.

Best Answer

You need a starting point $\gamma_0$ of your curve $\gamma$. Then you can solve the initial value problem: $$\begin{align}\gamma'(s) &= T(s), \\ T'(s) &= \kappa(s) N(s), \\ N'(s) &= -\kappa(s)T(s) + \tau(s)B(s), \\ B'(s) &= -\tau(s)N(s), \\ \gamma(0) = 0,\, T(0) &= T_0,\, N(0) = N_0,\, B(0) = B_0\end{align}$$

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