[Math] Recommended books on commutative algebra stressing links with algebraic geometry


Can someone recommend some books on commutative algebra stressing links with algebraic geometry? My concern is this. It seems to me that most of commutative algebra was formulated at least initially by algebraists, and only later were the links with geometry made more explicit. As a result, definitions which are natural to algebraists, might correspond to some complicated definitions in geometry and vice versa.

Ultimately, I would prefer a book on commutative algebra which is:
1) always reinterpreting algebraic definitions geometrically (so in some sense, written for geometers)
2) containing a lot of examples, which can be used as counterexamples to various claims, and thus exposing, rather than hiding, the subtleties of the various dictionaries between algebra and geometry
3) preferably not too big (so that it could be read entirely in a reasonable amount of time).

I have read most of Atiyah-Macdonald, and own a copy of Eisenbud's "Commutative Algebra with a view toward Algebraic Geometry". I love both books, but would like to know whether some other excellent books exist, particularly with a strong geometric bias.

Best Answer

I think your assumptions are wrong (not that it is important for the issues). Arguably, one of the first books on commutative algebra was written by Zariski and Samuel with the explicit intention of codifying the algebra necessary for their work in algebraic geometry. It still is one of the deepest books in the field, though not easy to read. For example, it proves Zariski's main theorem (a very important theorem in algebraic geometry) in the strongest form, which is difficult to find elsewhere. It also deals with resolution of singularities at least for surfaces. A short, but extremely well written book on the subject is Serre's Local Algebra. Another classic is Nagata's Local Rings, again proves many theorems useful in geometry, it is short and has probably some of the best counter examples. Last, but not least is the book by Kunz, where the results are oriented towards geometry, but with a special emphasis on problems related to equations defining varieties.