Reason for Continuous Spectrum of Laplacian


For the circle $S^1$, it is well-known that the Laplace-Beltrami operator $\Delta=\text{ div grad}$ has a discrete spectrum consisting of the eigenvalues $n^2,n\in \mathbb{Z}$, as can be seen from the eigenfunction basis $\{\exp(in\theta)\}$.

This is not quite the case in $\mathbb{R}$; the spectrum of $\Delta$ there is $[0,\infty)$. This is because there is a family of "step" eigenfunctions that vary continuously and give out all the eigenvalues we need. But I was wondering, is there a more geometric reason (perhaps related to the properties of $\Delta$) as to why the spectrum is continuous in this case?

Best Answer

The usual explanation is that an eigenfunction must locally look like a sine wave, where the wavelength determines the eigenvalue. For $\mathbb R$, we can define sine waves with any wavelength we want, and therefore also any eigenvalue we want.

But in $S^1$, though we can locally imagine any wavelength, the wave will only fit together into a single-valued function globally if the wavelength divides the perimeter of the circle. And that's why there's only a discrete set of possible wavelengths/eigenvalues.

Or is that more elementary/specific than what you're looking for?

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