[Math] Ray intersecting a quad mesh


I am trying to solve the math behind rendering a quad-mesh surface. MatLab for instance can take a regularly spaced (x,y) grid with arbitrary third-dimension (z) values, treat each four neighbouring coordinates as 3d quadrilaterals, and render each of them as a facet of the surface.

enter image description here

I'm trying to do this with ray tracing which would be easy if the quads were planar (all corners on the same plane), but since every coordinate can be arbitrary most quads will likely not be on the same plane, a so-called "skew-quadrilateral" (you can see how most quads in the above MatLab image "twist and turn"). Does anyone know the steps or pseudocode to intersect a ray with a skew quadrilateral, I've tried looking around but couldn't find it?

I don't even know if such a thing could be possible since you could have three corners of a quadrilateral with z-coordinates of 0 and suddenly the last corner with a very high z-coordinate, implying some sort of bending or breaking of the surface. I mean what would the following grid even look like, perhaps four quadrilaterals that start on the same level and bend towards a high point in the middle?

(0,0,0) (0,0,0) (0,0,0)
(0,0,0) (0,0,5) (0,0,0)   ===>    ?
(0,0,0) (0,0,0) (0,0,0)

I suppose the main difference could be that MatLab does not use ray tracing to render each quadrilateral, but rather some type of 3d to 2d reprojection. If so, does anyone know the usual non-raytracing way of rendering a quad mesh surface?

On the other hand I have read somewhere that quadrilateral surface meshes are indeed used in 3d movie or game developing where ray tracing is certainly used, so it should be possible.


Here are some relevant quotes and links that describe how MatLab treats the surface:


"The plot is formed by joining adjacent points with straight lines."

"Mesh plots are wire-frame surfaces that color only the lines connecting the defining points. Surface plots display both the connecting lines and the faces of the surface in color."

"…generates a colored, faceted view of the surface and displays it in a 3-D view. Ordinarily, the facets are quadrilaterals, each of which is a constant color…"


"Each point in the rectangular grid can be thought of as connected to its four nearest neighbors."

"This defines a mesh of quadrilaterals or a quad-mesh."

Best Answer

In practice, raytracers tend to decompose surfaces into triangular meshes first, because the math needed is so much simpler.

However, you asked how to calculate the intersection between a line and a quadrilateral in 3D, so here goes.

Let's define your ray using an unit vector $\hat{n}$ (unit referring to unit length, $\lvert\hat{n}\rvert=1$) that passes through some point $\vec{p}_0$, $$\vec{p}_{RAY}(t) = \vec{p}_0 + t\,\hat{n}$$

The quadrilateral is a bit more complicated. Let's say the four corners are $\vec{p}_1$, $\vec{p}_2$, $\vec{p}_3$, and $\vec{p}_1$, with $\vec{p}_1$ and $\vec{p}_4$ diagonally across from each others. We can trace the surface using two variables, $0 \le u, v \le 1$, where $u=0,v=0$ refers to $\vec{p}_1$, $u=1,v=0$ to $\vec{p}_2$, $u=0,v=1$ to $\vec{p}_3$, and $u=1,v=1$ to $\vec{p}_4$, using bilinear interpolation of the coordinates: $$\vec{p}_{QUAD}(u,v) = \left ( \vec{p}_1 (1-u) + u \vec{p}_2 \right ) (1-v) + v \left ( \vec{p}_3 (1-u) + u \vec{p}_4 \right )$$ which is, after rearranging the terms, the same as $$\vec{p}_{QUAD}(u,v) = \vec{p}_1 + u \; v \; ( \vec{p}_4 - \vec{p}_3 - \vec{p}_2 + \vec{p}_1 ) + u \; ( \vec{p}_2 - \vec{p}_1 ) + v \; ( \vec{p}_3 - \vec{p}_1 )$$

The intersection is, of course, $$\vec{p}_{RAY}(t) = \vec{p}_{QUAD}(u,v)$$ In three dimensions, that is actually three equations with three unknowns, $$\begin{cases} x_0 + t n_x = x_1 + u \; v \; ( x_4 - x_3 - x_2 + x_1 ) + u \; ( x_2 - x_1 ) + v \; ( x_3 - x_1 ) \\ y_0 + t n_y = y_1 + u \; v \; ( y_4 - y_3 - y_2 + y_1 ) + u \; ( y_2 - y_1 ) + v \; ( y_3 - y_1 ) \\ z_0 + t n_z = z_1 + u \; v \; ( z_4 - z_3 - z_2 + z_1 ) + u \; ( z_2 - z_1 ) + v \; ( z_3 - z_1 ) \end{cases}$$ This can be solved, but the solution contains dozens of terms, and is therefore terribly slow to compute. (I asked Maple for the exact solution. There are two (i.e., $(t_1,u_1,v_1)$ and $(t_2,u_2,v_2)$, but as they don't fit in one screenful, I decided they are way too long to reproduce here.)

Biquadratic and bicubic Bézier surfaces can be solved the exact same way, it's just that there are more terms (up to $u^3$ and $v^3$, and 9 (biquadratic) 16 (bicubic) coordinates per dimension), and thus the result is even more complicated and slow to compute.

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