[Math] rationalize the numerator in this question


I've been going through the diagnostic tests for my Calculus Textbook to get ready for classes starting on Monday. One of the questions is this:

Rationalize the expression and simplify.


The answer is $\frac{1}{\sqrt{4+h}+2}$.

I understand how to get to that equation, but I don't understand why. Wasn't the denominator of the equation already rational? What's the point of rationalizing the numerator in this case?

Best Answer

I don't like the term rationalize here. What you've really done is put the expression in a form where plugging in zero for $h$ makes sense: you can't do this in the first form because you can't divide by zero. That is likely what the textbook author's intent was. I think they created this as a silly pre-exercise to what you'll be doing later so you'll "be prepared" to evaluate limits. Soon you'll do something that looks like $$ \lim_{h \to 0}\frac{\sqrt{4+h}-2}{h} = \lim_{h \to 0}\frac{1}{\sqrt{4+h}+2} = \frac{1}{\sqrt{4+0}+2} = \frac{1}{4} $$