[Math] Ratio test with limsup vs lim


Could I prove that the ratio test still works using $\limsup(\frac{a_{n+1}}{a_n})$ instead of $\lim(\frac{a_{n+1}}{a_n})$?
I think for $\limsup<1$ I could show that for $\epsilon>0, N>1 \limsup(\frac{a_{n+1}}{a_n})<1-\epsilon.$ From there I can solve that $\lvert a_k\rvert<(1-\epsilon)^{k-N}\lvert a_N\rvert$ for $k>N$. Thus, by comparison test the left-hand side will converge absolutely. Is this enough to show I can use the ratio test with $\limsup$?

Best Answer

You have the right ideas, but your proof could use just a little tweaking. Let $L = \limsup |a_{n+1}/a_n|$. If $L < 1$, then for $\epsilon := (1 - L)/2$, there exists $N\in \Bbb N$ such that $|a_{n+1}/a_n| < L + \epsilon$ for all $n\ge N$, i.e., $|a_{n+1}| < |a_n|(1+L)/2$ for all $n \ge N$. Thus $|a_n| \le [(1 + L)/2]^{n-N}|a_N|$ for all $n\ge N$. Since $L < 1$, $(1 + L)/2 < 1$, thus $\sum_{n = 1}^\infty [(1 + L)/2]^{n-N}$ converges. Hence, by the comparison test, $\sum_{n = 1}^\infty a_n$ converges absolutely.

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