[Math] Ratio of circumradius to inradius of a regular tetrahedron


The circumradius of a set in $\mathbb{R}^n$ is the radius of the smallest sphere enclosing the set. Similarly, the inradius is the radius of the largest sphere fitting inside a set.

Question: What is the ratio $\frac{\text{circumradius}}{\text{inradius}}$ for a regular tetrahedron?

This is one of my all time favorite questions because it admits at least three very different solutions, two of which fit anyone's definition of "elegant". I'm posting my favorite solution, but I am keen to see what solutions others can come up with.

Best Answer

Assuming the $\text{centroid}\equiv\text{incenter}\equiv\text{circumcenter}$ of the regular tetrahedron $ABCD$ lies at the origin, i.e. $A+B+C+D=0$, the ratio $\frac{R}{r}$ equals $\frac{OA}{OA'}$ with $A'$ being the centroid of $BCD$. Hence $$ \frac{R}{r} = \frac{3\|A\|}{\|B+C+D\|} =\frac{3\|A\|}{\|A\|} = 3 $$ with a straightforward generalization to the regular $n$-simplex.

This can be shown also by embedding $ABCD$ in $\mathbb{R}^4$ via $A\mapsto(1,0,0,0),B\mapsto(0,1,0,0),$ $C\mapsto(0,0,1,0),$ $D\mapsto(0,0,0,1)$. Metric computations in this framework are utterly simple.