[Math] Ratio Calculation in Linear Programming

constraintslinear programmingratio

i struggle a bit with ratio and fraction calculations, so im just looking for some explanation for dummies of this one.

in linear programming, i have a ratio constraint of 6:5, of product A to product B.

The proper way, i believe, to insert this into a linear program is:
5A – 6B >= 0

that is, 5XA – 5XB, must be greater or equal to zero for constraint of 6:5 to be sufficed.

first of all, is this correct?
and if so, can someone try to explain to me how this works? , ie how does flipping the ratio (6:5 , A to b, becomes 5xa – 6xb) cancel the other out and equate to zero or great when constraint is met?

a written example with calculation should help me visualize this, just absolutely struggling to get my head around it.

thanks guys! any help is much appreciated.

Best Answer

Correct Example (value of a =60, b=50) Ratio A:b 6:5 It is looking for value not ratio So it is must reverse Ratio(value) - ratio(value) 5(a) - 6(b) 5.(60) - 6.(50) = 300-300 =0 (60) : (50) simplify Value 6 : 5

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