[Math] Random walk on a cube

expectationmathematical modelingnegative binomialprobabilityrandom walk

Start a random walk on a vertex of a cube, with equal probability going along the three edges that you can see (to another vertex). what is the expected number of steps to reach the opposite vertex that you start with?

Best Answer

$\hskip1.75in$ enter image description here

A random walk on the cube has eight states, but by symmetry we can reduce this to four states: start, nearest neighbors, further neighbors, and opposite. The "boundary" is the single state {o}.

enter image description here

Define $h$ as the expected time to hit the boundary starting at $x$, i.e., $h(x)=\mathbb{E}_x(T).$

First step analysis gives \begin{eqnarray*} h(s)&=&1+h(n)\vphantom{1\over3}\\[3pt] h(n)&=&1+{1\over3}\, h(s)+{2\over 3}\, h(f)\\[3pt] h(f)&=&1+{1\over3}\, 0+{2\over 3}\, h(n). \end{eqnarray*}

You can work out that $h(s)=10$.