[Math] Random variable X has the following discrete distribution


Random variable $X$ has the following discrete distribution:

$f(x) = k/x$ for $x = 1, 2, 3$

$f(x) = 0$ otherwise

  1. Find $k$ so that $f(x)$ is a legitimate probability mass function

  2. What is $E(X)$, the expected value of X?

  3. Calculate $V(X)$, the variance of $X$.

  4. Let $X_1$, $X_2$, …, $X_{36}$ be a random sample selected from the distribution of X. Use the central limit theorem to approximate the probability that the sample mean is greater than 2.1 but less than 2.5.

Best Answer


1) What is the definition of a probability mass function? What has to be true if order for the given $f$ to satisfy the definition?

2) What is the definition of the expected value of a discrete random variable? What do you get (after answering (1)) when you plug in the given $f$?

3) Similar to (2)

4) The answers to (2) and (3) give you all the information about $X$ that you need for this.

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