[Math] Quotient of 2 holomorphic functions which may be holomorphic


Let f and g be two holomorphic functions on a domain $\Omega$. Suppose that $\frac{f}{g}$ is always finite (while g can be zero at some points). Is it true that then $\frac{f}{g}$ is holomorphic? Actually I do not know any example of 2 such functions, except of course the trivial case $f=cg$ where c is a constant. It will be thus very helpful if someone can provide nontrivial examples. Thanks in advance!

Edit: finally, this is standard thing about removable singularities. Nothing more needed! Thanks!

Best Answer

Answer: yes. I am going to formalize where you said "$f/g$ is always finite" to mean: "for any $P \in \Omega$, if $g$ has a zero at $P$, then $f$ has a zero of at least the same order."

Recall that we define the order of a zero to be smallest $n \geq 0$ such that $f^{(n)}(P) \neq 0$ but $f^{(n-1)}(P) = 0$. That this exists (when the function is not identically the zero function) is a consequence of holomorphicity, which is obvious if you already know that holomorphic functions are analytic.

Given that $f$ and $g$ are holomorphic, this is the only hypothesis needed to ensure that $f/g$ admits a holomorphic continuation to a domain including $P$. Moreover, this condition is necessary. This is seen easily by Taylor expanding at $P$.

In particular, if a continuous extension exists, it is automatically holomorphic.

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