[Math] Quotient groups of $\mathbb{RxR}$


Quotient groups of $\mathbb{RxR}$

In each of the following, H is a subset of $\mathbb{RxR}$.

a) Prove that H is a normal subgroup of $\mathbb{RxR}$ (Remember that
every subgroup of an abelian group is normal)

b) In geometric terms, describe the elements of the quotient group

c) In geometrical terms or otherwise describe the operation of $G/H$

where $H=\{(x,y):y=-x\}$

This is what I've done so far:

a) Since $\mathbb{RxR}$ is abelian and we are given that H is a subset, then we must show that H is a subgroup first. This means that H has an inverse and is closed with respected to addition.

H has an identity $(0,0)$ and an inverse $(-a,-b)$ for $a,b \in H$. Also, for $a,b,c,d \in H$. then we have: $(a,b)+(c,d)=(a+c,b+d)=(a+c,-a+-c)$ which is in $H$, therefore closed with respect to addition.

Thus, $H$ is a subgroup

The thereom that states every subgroup of an abelian group is normal. We know $H$ is normal since $\mathbb{RxR}$ is abelian

b) To describe the elements of the quotient group $G/H$, I started with the definition. $G/H$ is the set of cosets of $H$ in $G$. For this case, I am going to stick with right cosets. I am not sure what this is asking for, so I decided to list some elements.

We know that $G$ be in the form $(x,y),(-x,-y),(-x,y),(x,-y)$ where $x,y$ are integers in $G$ The reals also contain the rationals so we can also have $(\frac{a}{b},y)$ and so on …. where $a,b$ are integers as well

So the cosets $H+g$ where $g \in G$ will be the same. It can contain (0,0), positive or negative integers and positive or negative rationals.

So I'm not sure how I can describe this actually, if anyone can help with this part.

c) I believe the operation for $G/H$ is addition.

Best Answer

Hint: in particular, $H$ is an element (the zero element) of $G/H$. What does it look like geometrically? Can you graph it? Once you know that, the other cosets are just translates of $H$, so they should look the same, just moved around. For instance, what does the coset $(0,1) + H$ look like?