[Math] Quotient groups


Let $H=\{1,-1,i,-i\}$ be the subgroup of $G=\mathbb{C^\times}$ of fourth roots of unity. Describe the cosets of $H$ in $G$ explicitly. Is $G/H$ isomorphic to $G$?

I know we have to use first isomorphism theorem but I don't know how to to do this problem.

(Here $\mathbb{C^\times}$ is set of nonzero complex numbers with operation multiplication)

Best Answer

Hints: (1) For $\lambda \in \def\Cs{\mathbb C^\times}\Cs$, can you compute $\lambda H =\{\lambda h \mid h \in H\}$, the coset of $\lambda$?

(2) For using the isomorphism theorem, you need an epimorphism $p \colon \Cs \to \Cs$ with kernel $H$. Can you think of one? As you write, $H$ consists of the forth roots of unity, so $h^4 = 1$ exactly for $h \in H$.

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