[Math] Quotient group with multiplication table involving the Klein 4 subgroup.


Show that the subgroup $V=\{e, (12)(34), (13)(24), (14)(23)\}$
is normal in $S_4$. Make a multiplication table for the quotient group of $S_4$ and $V$

Proving that $V$ is a normal subgroup is not a problem, as each element is it's inverse, and conjugating gives something in the subgroup V. The problem I am having is doing the multiplication table.

Best Answer

The elements of the quotient group $S_4/V$ are the cosets of $V$ in $S_4$. So first I'd determine what elements of $S_4$ are in each of those six cosets and give them labels. For example $(1,2)$ is in the coset $B=\{(1,2),(3,4),(1,3,2,4),(1,4,2,3)\}.$ Remember that the cosets are disjoint.

From there start the multiplication table. To multiply the cosets pick a representative from each and multlitply in $S_4$. The choice of element in the coset doesn't matter as $V$ is normal so the quotient is well defined. For example to find $B*B$ pick a representative element from each, in this case, say, $(1,2)*(1,2)=e.$ Since $e$ is in $V$ we find that $B*B=V$.