[Math] Quotient group of normal subgroups is cyclic if quotient group of intersection is cyclic


Let $M$, $N$ be normal subgroups of a group $G$.

Prove that if $G/M\cap N$ is cyclic, then $G/M$ and $G/N$ are cyclic. Give a counter example to show that the converse is not always true.

I proved until now that if $G/M\cap N$ is abelian, then $G/M$ and $G/N$ are abelian, I don't know if that helps a lot but it's the only thing I could come up with.

Best Answer

Hint for $\implies$:

Hint for $\;\;\,\not\!\!\!\!\impliedby$:

  • There is a counterexample to the converse where $G$ has four elements (there are not very many such groups, so it should be easy to work out).
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