[Math] Quick factoring of large numbers


I have a quick question here.

For an exercise, I was asked to factor:

$$11x^2 + 14x – 2685 = 0$$

How do I figure this out quickly without staring at it forever? Is there a quicker mathematical way than guessing number combinations, or do I have to guess until I find the right combination of numbers?

The answer is:

$$(11x + 179)(x – 15) = 0 $$

Best Answer

You want to know the divisibility rules for small numbers. We know $2685$ is divisible by $5$ because of the last digit and by $3$ because of the sum of the digits. Once you find those factors, divide them out, getting $179$. The rules show it is not divisible by $2,3,5,11$ (or $7$ if you know that one, but it is less common. I like the double the ones digit and subtract, which just gives a yes/no answer). Since you only need to check primes up to the square root of the number, you would just have to trial divide by $13$ and maybe $7$ to find that $179$ is prime. In exercises there will always be small factors. In RSA encryption, not so much.

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