[Math] questions about well-order


  1. In Wikipedia, well-order is
    defined as a strict total order on a set $S$
    with the property that every
    non-empty subset of $S$ has a least
    element in this ordering.

    But then later, well-order is
    defined as a total order on $S$ with
    the property that every non-empty
    subset of $S$ has a least element in
    this ordering.

    As far as I know, a total order and
    a strict total order are different.
    One is not the other. So I was
    wondering if well-order is defined
    for total order or strict total
    order or both? If for both, are they
    equivalent in the sense that if a
    total order is well-order, then its
    corresponding strict total order is
    also well-order? Vice versa?

  2. At the same Wikipedia page, it
    also says "a well-ordering is a
    well-founded strict total order". As
    I clicked into the definition of
    Well-founded_relation, it says
    "a binary relation, $R$, is
    well-founded (or wellfounded) on a
    class $X$ if and only if every
    non-empty subset of $X$ has a minimal
    element with respect to $R$". As
    minimal element is defined for
    partial order not for strict total order, is it true that
    well-founded order is a partial
    order and not a strict total order? So the
    aforementioned "a well-ordering is a
    well-founded strict total order" is
    not well-stated?

Thanks and regards!

Best Answer

If $\leq$ is a total order on a set $S$, then the new relation $<$ defined by $x < y$ iff ($x \leq y$ and $x \neq y$) is a strict total order on $S$.

If $<$ is a strict total order on a set $S$, then the new relation $\leq$ defined by $x \leq y$ iff ($x < y$ or $x = y$) is a total order on $S$.

In other words, in a fairly evident way one can always exchange a total order for a strict total order and conversely. So it doesn't really matter which definition is taken. One can easily check that the definition of a well-order in one setting carries over to the definition of a well-order in the other setting.

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