[Math] Question on sheafification of a presheaf


In chapter 2 of GTM 52 by Robin Hartshone there are definition of presheaf and the associated sheaf of a given presheaf.

I found that the definition of the sheafification is rather less natural and too rigorous. Harthshone did not give any non trivial concrete presheaf and its sheafification.

My questions are :

  1. From the definition of a presheaf $\mathcal{F}$(as Hartshone defined) how can one think about its sheafification $\mathcal{F}^{+}$ as a collection of map : $s: U\rightarrow \cup \mathcal{F}_{p}$ for each open subset $U$ and why is $\cup \mathcal{F}_{p}$ rather than other sets ?
  2. Could you please show me a nontrivial, concrete example of a presheaf(that is not a sheaf itself) and its sheafification ?

Thanks !

Best Answer

For (1), you want the "sheafification" to have the same stalks as $\mathcal F$, so if we allow $s(p)$ to be something outside $\mathcal F_p$, we'd get "too many" stalks.

For (2):

Take a space $X$. Define the presheaf, $F$, for each open $U\subset X$, as the set of bounded functions $f:U\to\mathbb R$. Clearly, if $V\subset U$, $f_{|V}$ is a bounded function on $V$, so this is a pre-sheaf.

But it is not a sheaf, because we cannot stitch an arbitrary number of bounded functions together to get a bounded function.

The sheaf you get when you "sheafify" this presheaf is the sheaf of all locally bounded functions, $f$. This is generally what "sheafification" does - the objects resulting are objects which "locally" have the properties of the pre-sheaf.

Perhaps a simpler example: Let $F(U)$ be a singleton if the closure of $U$ is compact, and empty if not. Then the sheafification of $F$ would give a singleton at $U$ precisely when $U$ is locally compact.

Indeed, I suspect almost any time you refer to something as "locally $P$," for some property $P$, you are referencing a sheafification of the original property, $P$. (For example, the other answer gives you the idea of a function being constant, and a function being "locally constant.")

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