[Math] Question about proof that euclidean metric and square metric are the product topology


I'm reading a proof that says that the topologies on $\mathbb{R}^n$ induced by the euclidean metric $d$ and the square metric $p$ are the same as the product topology on $\mathbb{R}^n$. It goes like this:

Let $x = (x_1,\cdots, x_n)$ and $y=(y_1,\cdots, y_n)$ be two points of
$\mathbb{R}^n$. Them:

$$p(x,y)\le d(x,y)\le \sqrt{n}p(x,y)$$

The first inequalioty shows that

$$B_d(x,\epsilon)\subset B_p(x,\epsilon)$$ since if $d(x,y)< \epsilon$
then $p(x,y)< \epsilon$

then the proof continues…

Well, why the inclusion of the balls is in that direction? For me, since $p(x,y)\le d(x,y)$, then the ball with respect to $p$ should be included in theone with respect to $d$

Best Answer

From the geometry, it is sort of obvious that $B_{d}\left(x, \epsilon\right) \subset B_{p}\left(x, \epsilon\right)$

Sketch of the geometry

However, you asked for a proof. First let us show $y \in B_{d}\left(x, \epsilon\right) \Rightarrow y \in B_{p}\left(x, \epsilon\right)$:

$$ y \in B_{d}\left(x, \epsilon\right) \\ \Leftrightarrow d(x, y) < \epsilon \\ \Rightarrow p(x, y) < \epsilon \\ \Leftrightarrow y \in B_{p}\left(x, \epsilon\right) $$

where the third line is the inequality $p(x, \epsilon) \le d(x, \epsilon)$. To show that $y \in B_{p}\left(x, \epsilon\right) \nRightarrow y \in B_{p}\left(x, \epsilon\right)$, consider the point $y=\left( x_1 + \alpha\epsilon, x_2 + \alpha \epsilon, \dots \right)^T$, then $p(x, y)=\alpha\epsilon$, while $d(x, y)=\sqrt{n}\alpha\epsilon$, so for $\frac{1}{\sqrt{n}} < \alpha < 1$, $y \not\in B_d\left(x, \epsilon\right)$.