[Math] Query on a Solution to the Problem: $\gcd(5a+2,7a+3)=1$ for all integer $a$.


I wish to show that the numbers $5a+2$ and $7a+3$ are relatively prime for all positive integer $a$.

Here are my solutions.

Solution 1. I proceed with Euclidean Algorithm. Note that, for all $a$, $|5a+2|<|7a+3|$. By Euclidean Algorithm, we can divide $7a+3$ by $5a+2$. To have

$7a+3=(5a+2)(1)+(2a+1)$ continuing we have,




Since the last nonzero remainder in the Euclidean Algorithm for $7a+3$ and $5a+2$ is 1, we conclude that they are relatively prime.

Solution 2. Suppose that $d=\gcd(5a+2,7a+3)$. Since $d=\gcd(5a+2,7a+3)$ then the following divisibility conditions follow:

(1) $d\mid (5a+2)$

(2) $d\mid (35a+14)$

(3) $d\mid (7a+3)$

(4) $d\mid (35a+15)$.

Now, (2) and (4) implies that $d$ divides consecutive integers. The only (positive) integer that posses this property is $1$. Thus, $d=1$ and that $7a+3$ and $5a+2$ are relatively prime.

Here are my questions:

  1. Is the first proof correct or needs to be more specific? For instance cases for $a$ must be considered.

  2. Which proof is better than the other?

Thank you so much for your help.

Best Answer

In the first solution you're not using, strictly speaking, the Euclidean algorithm, but a looser version thereof:

Let $a$, $b$, $x$ and $y$ be integers; if $a=bx+y$, then $\gcd(a,b)=\gcd(b,y)$.

The proof consists in showing that the common divisors of $a$ and $b$ are the same as the common divisors of $b$ and $y$.

There is no requirement that $a\ge b$ or that $y$ is the remainder of the division. Indeed your argument actually has a weakness, because $7a+3\ge 5a+2$ only if $2a\ge-1$, so it doesn't hold for $a\le-2$. But $7a+3\ge 5a+2$ is not really needed for the argument.

Since successive application of the statement above show that $\gcd(2a+1,2)=1$ and the gcd has never changed in the various steps, you can indeed conclude that $\gcd(5a+2,7a+3)=1$.

The second solution is OK as well.

You can simplify it by noting that if $d$ is a common divisor of $5a+2$ and $7a+3$, then it divides also $$ 5(7a+3)-7(5a+2)=1 $$

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