[Math] Quaternion Rotation formula


Can someone explain what exactly what the last part $P^{-1}$ in the formula $PQP^{-1}$ does. I heard it rotates halfway but I'm not understanding that. If it is the inverse, it goes back the exact same as it was?

Best Answer

In the product $PQP^{-1}$, $Q=q_1\mathbf i +q_2 \mathbf j +q_3 \mathbf k$ is a pure imaginary quaternion that represents the vector $\vec q=[q_1,q_2,q_3]^T$ in $\mathbb{R}^3$ and $P$ is a unitary quaternion, i.e. a quaternion $ p_0+ p_1\mathbf i +p_2 \mathbf j +p_3 \mathbf k=p_0+\mathbf p $ such that $||P||=\sqrt{p_0^2+p_1^2+p_2^2+p_3^2}=1$ so that $P$ can be represented in polar form as $P=e^{\theta \mathbf p}$, with $ \cos \theta =\frac{p_0}{||P||}$.

Whan we multiply $PQ$ the result is a quaternion, but not a pure imaginary quaternion, and this means that we cannot identify such product with a vector in $\mathbb{R}^3$ but, if we calculate the product $PQP^{-1}=e^{\theta \mathbf p}Qe^{-\theta \mathbf p}$ than this gives a pure imaginary quaternion, and we can see that it corresponds to a rotation of $\vec q$ by an angle $2 \theta$ around the axis oriented by the vector $\mathbf p$.

So, to give a direct answer to your question; the part $P^{-1}$ has no independent role, but is required, together with P to obtain as a result a vector.

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