Algebraic Geometry – Is Quasi-Separatedness Affine-Local?


[Vakil defines a scheme $X$ to be quasiseparated if the intersection of any two quasicompact opens is quasicompact]

This is part (b) of 7.3.C in Vakil's FOAG: Show that a morphism $\pi$ from a scheme $X$ into a scheme $Y$ is quasiseparated [ For any open affine $Spec(U)\subset Y$, $\pi^{-1}(Spec(U))$ is quasiseparated] if there is a cover of $Y$ by open affine subsets $U_i$ such that $\pi^{-1}(U_i)$ is quasiseparated.

Part (a) is to prove the same thing for quasicompactness and is straightforward. The hint suggests using the affine communication lemma and I can use that to show that for an arbitrary open subset $Spec(A)$ of $Y$, $\pi^{-1}(Spec(A))$ is finite union of quasiseparated open subsets, but that is clearly not sufficient.

Another approach seems to be to reduce the problem to showing that if $Spec(W)$ is an open subset of $\pi^{-1}(U_i)$ and $Spec(V)$ is an open subset of $\pi^{-1}(U_j)$, then $Spec(W)\cap Spec(V)$ is quasicompact. But i'm not even convinced that this is true in general.

Any hints or solutions would be greatly appreciated.

Best Answer

Okay, figured it out using some of the ideas in Matt E's post:

Suppose we have a cover of $Y$ by affine open subsets $Spec(U_{i})$ such that $\pi^{-1}(Spec(U_{i}))$ is quasiseparated. Given an arbitrary open subset $Spec(A)$ of $Y$, we wish to show that $\pi^{-1}(Spec(A))$ is quasiseparated. Using the affine communication lemma (See FOAG), we can find a cover of $Spec(A)$ by distinguished open subsets $D(f_{1}),\ldots,D(f_{n})$ such that $\pi^{-1}(D(f_{i}))$ is quasiseparated. Recall that an equivalent condition for a scheme $W$ to be quasiseparated is that it must be possible to cover the intersection of any two open affine subschemes with finitely many open affine subschemes. So let $Spec(B)$ and $Spec(C)$ be two such open subschemes of $\pi^{-1}(Spec(A))$ and note that the problem is reduced to the following special case:

$X$ is the union of two open affine subschemes $Spec(B)$ and $Spec(C)$ and $Y=Spec(A)$ . Let $D(f_{1}),\ldots,D(f_{n})$ be a finite cover of $Y$ such that $\pi^{-1}(D(f_{i}))$ is quasiseparated. We want to show that $X$ is quasiseperated.

Let $d_{C,i}$ denote the preimage of $D(f_{i})$ in $Spec(C)$ and $d_{B,i}$ denote the preimage in $Spec(B)$ . Then the $d_{B,i}$ and the $d_{C,i}$ form an affine cover of X . Note that $d_{B,i}\cap d_{B,j}$ is the preimage of $D(f_{i})\cap D(f_{j})=D(f_{i}f_{j})$ in $Spec(B)$ , so it is affine. The analogous remark also applies to $d_{C,i}\cap d_{C,j}$ . Thus it remains to show that $d_{C,i}\cap d_{B,j}$ can be covered by finitely many affine open subsets: Note that $p\in d_{C,i}\cap d_{B,j}$ implies $p\in d_{B,i}$ since we must have $p\in Spec(B)$ and $\pi(p)\in D(f_{i}),D(f_{j})$ . Thus $d_{C,i}\cap d_{B,j}=d_{C,i}\cap(d_{B,j}\cap d_{B,i})$ We know that $d_{B,j}\cap d_{B,i}$ is a quasicompact (affine, in fact) open subset of $d_{B,i}\cup d_{C,i}$ , as is $d_{C,i}$ . Our original assumption tells us that $d_{B,i}\cup d_{C,i}$ is quasiseperated and it now follows that $d_{C,i}\cap d_{B,j}$ is quasicompact and can be covered by finitely many affine open sets. Thus, the space X is quasiseparated.

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