[Math] Quantum mechanics for mathematicians

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I'm looking for books about quantum mechanics (or related fields) that are written for mathematicians or are more mathematically inclined.

Of course, the field is very big so I'm in particular looking for books that explain how C*-algebras and von Neumann-algebras are used, I want to see "practical" applications of those.

What I know is not much more than Griffiths' book (I don't like that book!) contains. I have in my possession the books by Claude Cohen-Tannoudji but they don't seem to contain this.

Best Answer

It may not have the specific topics you want, but I like Leon Takhtajan's book entitled, coincidentally, Quantum Mechanics for Mathematicians.

Books like Dirac tended to frustrate me with drawn-out developments of "this is a ket, this is a bra, they have such-and-such properties and we combine them in the following ways." Takhtajan is kind enough to come out and say "take a Hilbert space and a self-adjoint operator."

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