[Math] Quantification to english


Is my answer to question 1 correct or is the double ∃ mean each student has taken each CS class?

Let P(x, y) be the statement “Student x has taken class y,” where the domain for x consists of all students in your class and for y consists of all computer science courses at your school. Express each of these quantifications in English.

1) ∃x∃yP(x, y)
2) ∃x∀yP(x, y)

1) There exists a student that has taken one CS class.
2) There exists a student that has taken all CS classes.

New answers based on suggestions.
1) At least one student has taken at least one CS class.
2) At least one student has taken all CS classes.

Best Answer

New answers based on suggestions.
1) At least one student has taken at least one CS class.
2) At least one student has taken all CS classes.