[Math] Quadratic Julia sets and periodic cycles

complex-dynamicsdynamical systemsfractals

Consider the function $f_c(z) = z^2 + c$. Applying this function repeatedly, we get the familiar quadratic Julia sets that fractal enthusiasts burn compute cycles plotting.

Infinity is always one attractor of the system. Depending on the choice of $c$, a finite attractor may also exist. Sometimes this is a fixed-point. Sometimes it is a repeating cycle of some finite number of points.

Consider the case of a fixed-point. The actual numerical value of this fixed point depends on $c$. So I set out to investigate a way to compute this number directly.

A fixed point of $f_c$ is simply any $z$ for which $f_c(z) = z$. In other words, we wish to solve $z^2 + c = z$. Rearranging as $z^2 – z + c = 0$, I was easily able to find

$$z_1 = \frac{1 \pm \sqrt{1 – 4c}}2$$

At this point, something struck me: First, there are obviously two such fixed-points, only one of which is the finite attractor. But, more conspicuously, these two fixed-points always exist. Even when there is no fixed-point attractor, there definitely are two fixed points.

What about a period-2 cycle? That is, we want to solve $f_c(f_c(z)) = z$. Solving $(z^2 + c)^2 + c = z$ is a little more tricky than the last equation – but the formula for $z_1$ gives us two of the solutions, and it's then fortunately easy to discover the other two:

$$z_2 = \frac{1 \pm \sqrt{-3-4c}}2$$

Again, this cycle always exists.

At this point, I tried to find a period-3 cycle. Clearly $((z^2 + c)^2 + c)^2 + c = z$ has 8 solutions, two of which are $z_1$, which leaves 6 remaining. At this point, I was unable to work out how to solve the equation. The mighty Mathematicaâ„¢ also refused to give me a closed form. (I suppose it's plausible that none exists.)

It seems clear though that these solutions exist, even if I can't easily compute them. And if there's 6 of them, that's presumably a pair of period-3 cycles. More generally, it seems there is no reason why cycles of any finite length wouldn't exist all the time. So, my actual question is this: Where do all these periodic cycles "live" when they aren't the attractor of the system?

Best Answer

There is an awful lot of interesting stuff in this question, but I'll do my best to keep this answer organized.

(1) Since you are working over the complex numbers, which are algebraically closed, the polynomial equation $f^{\circ n}_c(z) = z$ always has $2^n$ solutions when counted with multiplicity, even if you can't explicitly solve for them.

(2) It is unfortunately not the case that $f_c$ has periodic cycles of every possible (exact) period. For example, you can check that $f(z) = z^2 - \frac{3}{4}$ has no period $2$ points which are not fixed points. However, this behavior has been studied, and we know exactly when a rational map can be missing points of a given period:

Suppose that $f\in \mathbb{C}(z)$ is a rational map of degree $d\geq 2$, and suppose that $f$ has no cycle of exact period $n$. Then the tuple $(n,d)$ is either $(2,2)$, $(2,3)$, $(3,2)$, or $(4,2)$. Moreover, if $f$ is a polynomial, only $(2,2)$ can occur.

This is a thorem of I.N. Baker proved in the paper "Fixpoints of polynomials and rational fucntions." (1964) In particular, for the maps $f_c$ you are considering, you definitely have points of exact period $n$ for all $n\geq 3$. For an excellent discussion of such topics, I recommend section 4.1 of Joe Silverman's book "The Arithmetic of Dynamical Systems."

(3) If I understand correctly, you are assuming that the $c$ you've chosen is such that $f_c$ has a finite attracting cycle. The Fatou-Shishikura theorem says that there are at most $2$ non-repelling cycles. You've identified these as $\infty$ and the finite attracting cycle. It follows that all other cycles are repelling, and hence live in the Julia set. I hope that answers your actual question. For a simple proof of Fatou-Shishikura in the case of polynomial maps, see Theorem VI.1.2 of Carleson and Gamelin's book "Complex Dynamics."

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