[Math] Puzzle: numerical pattern recognition



7 - 3 = 10124
6 + 3 = 3279
5 – 2 = 763
11 + 2 = 92613


15 - 3 =? 

Any ideas ? I dont know how I am supposed to go about solving puzzles like this one ? is there any strategy ? any algorithm ?

Best Answer

This is all I can come up with:

1: Do the operation, the answer to that will be placed on the far right:

$ \begin{align} 7-3 &= 4 \\ 6 + 3 &=9 \\ 5-2 &= 3 \\ 11 + 2 &= 13 \end{align}$

2: Take the solution from above, multiply by the second digit in the original expression. Place it to the left of the answer we got in 1.:

$ \begin{align} 4\cdot 3 &= 12 \\ 9\cdot 3&=27 \\ 3\cdot 2&= 6 \\ 13 \cdot 2 &= 26 \end{align}$

So, we have

$ \begin{align} 124 \\ 279 \\ 63 \\ 2613 \end{align}$

3: If the original operation was addition, subtract, and vice versa. Stick this number to the left of the concatenated solutions to 1 and 2:

$ \begin{align} 7+3 &= 10 \\ 6 - 3 &=3 \\ 5+2 &= 7 \\ 11 - 2 &= 9 \end{align}$

Thus, we have

$ \begin{align} 10124 \\ 3279 \\ 763 \\ 92613 \end{align}$

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