[Math] Puzzle About Cubes (from the book thinking mathematically)


I want to confirm my solution to the given problem (solutions were not available in the book)

I have eight cubes. Two of them are painted red, two white, two blue
and two yellow, but otherwise they are indistinguishable. I wish to
assemble them into one large cube with each color appearing on each
face. In how many different ways can I assemble the cube?

  1. The answer i got was 96 is this correct?
  2. I also tried to generalize
    the question such that given $n$ cubes and $\sqrt n$ number of colors, I came up with


is the above generalization correct?



well to further explain my question, the rational behind the answer to the 1st question was we have 6 faces and if we take one of the faces we have 4! possibilities to arrange the 4 colors. that gives us 24 possibilities. and if move to the other faces, we have 2 faces of 2! possibilities and 3 faces of 1! possibilities thus total arrangements are 4!x2!x2!x1!x1!x1! = 96

for the second question yes the colors should be n^1/3 but for the generalization n should be no of colors.

for example if we take the current question


  1. if we take the front face as the base face we have n! = 24
  2. if we take the left face because of step 1 we have $(n-\sqrt n)! =2$
  3. if we take the back face because of step 2 we again have $(n-\sqrt
    n)! =2$
  4. if we take the right face because of step 1 and step 3 we have
    $(n-2\sqrt n)! =1$
  5. if we take the top face because of step 1,2,3,4 we have $(n-(4\sqrt
    n -4))! =1$
  6. if we take the bottom face again because of step 1,2,3,4 we have
    $(n-(4\sqrt n -4))! =1$

thus the result 4!x2!x2!x1!x1!x1! = 96

Best Answer

If you are allowed to rotate the assembled cube freely there is exactly one way to assemble it.

Proof. Let $\{0,1,2,3\}$ be the set of colors. Color each vertex of the assembled $2$-cube with the color of the $1$-cube it belongs to. Vertices of the assembled cube having the same color are necessarily space-diagonally opposite. Assume that a vertex having color $0$ is facing you. Then its three adjacent vertices have colors $1$, $2$, $3$, arranged either counterclockwise or clockwise. Now convince yourself of the following: If $1$, $2$, $3$ are arranged counterclockwise, then $1$, $2$, $3$ will be arranged clockwise if you look at the assembled cube with the opposite $0$-vertex facing you.$\qquad\square$

It is so far unclear how this problem can be meaningfully formulated for an $n\times n\times n$ assembled cube.